Fuck! Seattle, Tacoma and the Greater Northwest has so much shit going on. Not only is there a gang of "friendly" parks & hidden trails, but there always seems to be something going on. I guess there has to be considering it doesn't get dark until 9:30 at night.
Our trip started because of three big deals. My favorite band Rush was playing in Auburn, our boy Scott lives in Tacoma, and there is a Del Taco in Federal Way so it was on.
Melinda and I flew into Sea/Tac on Air Force One (not really, it was at the Museum of Flight) and headed straight to the Del Taco. And there are a bunch of other interesting things to do here as well. We did go and check out the aforementioned Museum of Flight, the Experience Music Project and even looked for the Cylon in the Sci-Fi Museum next door.

We gambled at a casino on the Muckleshoots Indian reservation. $3.00 for a pint of Fat Tire Ale and only lost $15.00 in the slots. Not bad. They even had the R&B greats Notorious 253 playing live.
We drove over to Woodinville to see the Red Hook Brewery. The tour guide didn't like my Laverne & Shirley joke . . . at all.

We drove down to Portland and cruised on the other side of the Burnside bridge. We ended up having dinner with my old bassist Jerod, then cruised over to Gypsy's to shoot pool. Ryan Barrett shows up and as it turns out, the kid's a shark. Seriously.
When we got back to Seattle, we went to Pike Place Market and I got to meet Scott's buddy Ben. He's one of the guys that throws fish. He also scares the fuck out of guys from Hawaii with a Monk fish. I even met Jasper from Springfield at the Kwik-E-Mart.
If you get the chance to visit the Northwest, do it. You will most likely have fun. Let us know and we'll set you up with some cool guys . . . maybe.
Try some Rein Deer (Rainier Beer), if you drink enough you might be able to see the actual mountain. I drank a bit but never saw the elusive mountain other than on everyones' license plate.
Oh yeah, the concert was awesome.